Update 17/June/23: pre-order sales are now complete and product is ready to be purchased with immediate deliver. Limited to 20 copies.
{This is a PRE-ORDER, a link to access the album will be sent to the email you used at check-out on Monday 17th 2PM EST- 7PM GMT}
The sun bounced off the wooden panels of the living room floor, to a point that my body seemed like a self-contained fire (or flame) capturing all the heat coming from thousands of kilometers away, at the center of the Galaxy.
There's a lot of floor-level poses, seated, profile and standing. Back poses lovers here's a good mine to dig in!
~66 professional reference images (around 5MB each) set in a wooden floor room, with an interesting match of bounced, backlit and chiaroscuro lighting.
~Sales are limited to 20~
Pre-sale bookings come at a preferential price of 35€.
On Monday 2PM EST the set will come live and will then be limited to 20 copies at 40€.